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Reflections on June 8th, 2012:

Moving into the rest of our life………… Over the last several years Alice and I have been “wintering” with our motor-home at a campground i...

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Alice update Jan 13..

The heart surgeon people have talked to the pulmonary people and a biopsy has been ordered up for the very small lung abnormality and hopefully the heart by-pass surgery can proceed in the next few weeks.Bob January 14th: Dick: What's actually happening is this: Due to her age multiple tests were ordered up prior to her coming full knee replacement. Multiple issues came up, to include the cardiac blockages, a pulmonary issue with the lung spot, and to top it off a determination that she has what's called "dense" breasts which under new protocols call for a more advanced look than the typical mammogram. So, the first thing is to determine the priority, which is the cardiac issue, but she's (the cardiac surgeon) requiring a sign off on the other disciplines to move forward. So, long story short everyone is now talking to each other, and there's a path forward. I think. Bob

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