A small group of us Space Coast Sams (www.spacecoastsams.org) are heading back to Jetty Park at Port Canaveral for the week. They have an excellent deal in that if you come in on Monday, and leave Friday, you get to camp for 4 nights and you pay for 3. Add to that a generous Brevard County camping discount and it can't be beat with a stick. Our "Official" camping season here ends in May with our Chapter, but some of us go out all summer long. http://www.jettyparkbeachandcampground.com/camp_index
This is short clip from our June 2015 camp-out at Jetty Park: https://photos.google.com/movie/AF1QipNP6YU7nJn81XZ33ahT9pU8h1UhLRXLEsTtrz--
July 25th: Arrived home yesterday...here's a link to some snaps from our week: https://goo.gl/photos/tYRK849oNtNeKKLS7 My ONLY complaint on Jetty Park is their Internet service, which is terrible. It's sporadic and not to be counted on and it forces you to constantly re-sign in, which for a supposedly free service is pretty lame :(.