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Reflections on June 8th, 2012:

Moving into the rest of our life………… Over the last several years Alice and I have been “wintering” with our motor-home at a campground i...

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Monthly group therapy...

We're heading out today for our monthly camping jaunt to a Florida State Park with the rig. This time we're going back to Payne's Prairie https://www.floridastateparks.org/parks-and-trails/paynes-prairie-preserve-state-park but where we go is not as important as the fact of just getting away. There's the packing of course, and getting the rig ready and the anticipation of change from the routine. With the motor home the "getting there" is as good as the being there, and we all (including Buddy the hound) usually enjoy the trip. That being said, we do limit our distance trying to stay within three to four hours of our rig storage at Christmas FL. After about four nights we're usually pretty refreshed and ready to get back home, and then home is really appreciated with the comforts of great Wi-fi, fully equiped kitchens and multiple baths. Someone once said us campers spend lots of money to periodically experience homelessness. I wouldn't go that far, but I do know the change of scenery does get the blood flowing and reinvirorate things a bit...and that's a good thing. My best childhood friend recently moved from Colorado to Ocala Florida, and he and his wife are going to visit us Tuesday at camp where we'll do a bit of a BBQ. I've known Dennis since I was five, and that was a LOT of tide changes ago:).

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