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Reflections on June 8th, 2012:

Moving into the rest of our life………… Over the last several years Alice and I have been “wintering” with our motor-home at a campground i...

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Being appreciative in hard times....

Being appreciative…

A lot has been written on “privilege”, that state of being where your advantages in life...as compared to others, is noticeable or even profound.  As I sit here on April 19th in the year of the modern day Pandemic, I think just how damn fortunate I am. And, I’m thankful for that.

As I type I have a chicken in the oven roasting (in a cast iron skillet), the potatoes which will be mashed are on the stove-top cooking, and the frozen corn is in the microwave waiting to be started. I’m typing this note on a wine-proof Chrome Pad, and listening to BBC Proms on a Google Hub maxi.  Despite the quarantine with the pandemic we have a pantry full of food, our health is reasonably good for the condition we’re in, and our rec vehicle is gassed up and ready to go when we have the all-clear to get out of Dodge and socialize.

That all being said I’m very aware of the blessing that has bestowed on us, and our unique position as compared to others less fortunate.  May I never forget that and not be thankful for this unearned privilege.

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