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Reflections on June 8th, 2012:

Moving into the rest of our life………… Over the last several years Alice and I have been “wintering” with our motor-home at a campground i...

Monday, March 04, 2013


The things I'm thankful for, right now, on March 4th, 2013:

My wife of 45 years Alice, for putting up with my sorry ass....

Murray Boultier for brow-beating me into going to the Veterans Administration, which enabled me to obtain financial and medical assistance for a long ago tour of duty...

Our wonderful kids, who understood when we needed to move South and get away from the cold and ice and snow, and move on in another direction in our lives...

Our friends from that other life who have meant so much to us, and continue to be called friends....even though distance is great and contacts far between...

Every friend, every relative who are a part of who we are and our history, is appreciated.  Both Alice and myself feel truy blessed, and it would not be right to not say thank you.

Bob and Alice

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