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Reflections on June 8th, 2012:

Moving into the rest of our life………… Over the last several years Alice and I have been “wintering” with our motor-home at a campground i...

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Learning Curves....Amazon Kindle

Our E-Reader, the new Amazon Kindle arrived yesterday (Nov 29th) and I've been busy playing with it. On ordering it from Amazon I had them include two books (The Coldest Winter and Stone Cold) and one magazine subscription (Time). The magazine and Blog subscription all come with a two week trial period, and we've already canceled the Time one. I find it much easier to read a magazine on-line as it seems to have better navigation.
I am very impressed though with the reading experience of books on Kindle. Like any new technology there IS a bit of a learning curve, but it's not that steep. Once you're used to it you hardly notice you are not reading a paper book. The on-line ordering experience, and the ability to preview almost any book for free, is also worth a lot. Feel free to give me a call if you have questions or would like to discuss it. Even though its only been out a few weeks there are a lot of reviews (pro and con) as well as comparisons with the Sony Reader on-line that you can also wade through, as well at at Amazon's own site.

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